Dare to be remarkable!

Friday 10 April 2020



Man has always been inspired by the wonders of nature. He has always been fond of seeking and knowing the hidden truths and realities of nature. He continued doing observations, experiments and here consequently here we are, in the 21th century. Yep! It’s amazing to be in the era of technology.
  • Science: The knowledge gained through observations and experiments is called Science.

The word ‘Science’ has been derived from the Latin word ‘Scientia’ which means ‘knowledge’.
Upto 18th century, the study of material objects were called Natural Philosophy. As knowledge going vast, the Natural Philosophy was divided into two main classes:
  • Physical Sciences: It was subjected to study about non-living things.
  • Biological Sciences: It was subjected to study about living things.

In 9th century, Physical Sciences were divided into more five branches; Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geology and Meteorology,
  • Physics: Physics deals with the study of matter, energy and relation between them.

What is matter? Matter is everything which possesses some mass and occupies some volume.  What is energy? Energy is basically ability to do work. In Physics, work is defined with the motion of matter.

We are living in the technology era. From waking up in the morning to going on the bed for sleep, even when we are sleeping, we are using instruments, equipments and machinery as well. All of these instruments work on the basic principles of Physics. For example, when we concern with refrigerator, we actually are dealing with Physics. This is because refrigerator works upon the principles of Thermodynamics, which is an important branch of Physics. Similarly when we go somewhere and use vehicles, we take help of Physics because a vehicle is made upon the principles of Mechanics which is also a fundamental branch of Physics.
  • Branches of Physics: Here are a few branches of Physics.

Mechanics: It is the study of motion of objects, its causes and effects.

Heat: It deals with the nature of heat, modes of transfer and effects of heat.

Light (Optics): It is the study of physical aspects of light, its properties, working and use of optical instruments.

Sound: It deals with the physical aspects of sound waves, their production, properties and applications.

Electricity and Magnetism: It is the study of the charges at rest and in motion, their effects and their relationship with magnetism.

Atomic Physics: It is the study of the structure and properties of atoms.

Nuclear Physics: It deals with properties and behavior of nuclei the particles within the nuclei.

Plasma Physics: It is the study of Production, properties of the ionic state of matter – the fourth state of matter.

Geophysics: It is the study of internal structure of Earth.

  • Applications of Physics: Here are some applications of Physics in our daily life.

In our daily life, we hardly find a device where Physics is not involved. In every aspect of life, Physics is involved today. All the means of transportation, like car, train and aero plan etc, are made upon basic principles of Physics. Similarly all the means of communication like radio, television, mobile phone etc, are also made by studying fundamental laws and principles of Physics. All the home appliances like air conditioner, vacuum cleaner, microwave oven and electric fans, washing machines etc, all these work on the principles of Physics. Electricity is the most obvious example of this. Therefore, development and progress in the field of Physics has made our life very comfortable and easy. It has also contributed so much in the development of Science and Technology

We know that everything which has some advantages contains some disadvantages also. Progress in Science and Technology can go to destruction through atomic wars. So this is upon us how we take advantage of Science.

For understanding more comprehensively, watch the video from start to end and a brief introduction on Physics and branches of Physics explained in Urdu/Hindi.
In this video, you’ll learn: basics of Physics, Introduction of Physics, a short history of Physics, What actually Physics is? What does mean by Science? How Physics is related to Science? Which important role is playing Physics in Science, Technology and our society? How Physics affecting our daily life? How Physics is serving with its discoveries and applications? What are the main branches of Physics? Answers of all of these questions are explained briefly with examples. If there's still any confusion regarding this video lecture, you can comment or contact us directly through social links provided so your comments will be entertained gladly. Get everything related to study and academic content through this channel and blog for useful and important notes and materials.

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Location: Pakistan


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